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Brooklyn Memoir  

 Brooklyn Memoir (41) 
The vacation in Acapulco (2)

It was the third day in Acapulco when we were finally accustomed to the life there. Almost all guests at the hotel were tourists and they were relaxed. They joked with each other. I as a New Yorker, wanted to tell a witty joke and waited for a chance.

I noticed something when I rode the elevator of the hotel. There were two doors, in front and the opposite side in the elevator. Only the front door was used, though. I said to myself when I was in the elevator with several other tourists, “The opposite door opens only at 13th floor, but don’t get out there. You never can come back, never for life.”

The other people in the elevator kept silent for a moment and then started to giggle. There was no 13th floor at the hotel.

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